night photography

Imaginoor in April - NOT another Covid newsletter

Hi everyone,

I truly hope that you and your loved ones are doing well, and that you are staying healthy and safe.

It is a strange time. Most of us have probably been asked to “shelter in place”, not going out except for essential things.  I have been using this time to refine my craft of night photography and teaching myself a new photo editing software. 


In these isolating times, I reflect on how my interest in photography became a passion.   I met Jeff Mcrum back in my early days in New York.  Social media says we’ve known each other since 2008 but our friendship is much older than that.  We both worked together at a theater company called Desipina.  While working on set designs, Jeff showed me some of his night photography work.  I was fascinated by his mastery of low light photography in abandoned spaces link.  I thought it was the coolest stuff I had ever seen.

One evening, he convinced me to go out with him to an abandoned building in New Jersey to try urban night photography.  I was skeptical but intrigued.  Jeff spent several hours patiently explaining his philosophies and principles of night photography.  It was such an eye-opening night.  Since then we have gone on many photo trips together.


Jeff has always been an inspiration to be a better photographer today than I was yesterday.  He is a wonderful friend and makes a pretty good deep fried turkey.

I will dedicate the next set of my Triple Play Photos to Hope.  Life Is Not Cancelled!  Here are the Triple Play Photos (most liked, shared and stuff...) from the month of March.

Be sure to check out my Gallery Store and Amazon Store and follow me on your favorite social media source.


NIGHT JOB - Boston, MA

Ambient light and architectural light painting night photography

NIGHT JOB - Milwaukee, USA

Ambient light and architectural light painting night photography

NIGHT JOB - Prague, Czech Republic

Ambient light and architectural light painting night photography


Ambient light and architectural light painting night photography