Imaginoor in January 2023 - Happy New Year!

…and just like that, snap! It’s a new year (Ctrl + N),

Hi! I hope you and your loved ones are safe, well and had a wonderful holiday season.

I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for your support and encouragement of my photography last year. It has been a wonderful year reconnecting with most of you in person, through emails, phone calls, and video chats. 2022 was a year of lots of change and personal growth for me.

Here are the Top Nine of 2022. Best wishes for a happy, creative and low-stress 2023.

I don't generally make New Year's Resolutions. However, I do intend to do the following:

  • Create better night photos with light painting

  • Collaborate with more artists and photographers to take my work to the next level and show my work

  • Write interesting and useful articles about my work

  • Continue to show kindness, respect, and helpfulness (and if that means wearing a mask, that's what I'll do)

  • Keep having FUN

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You! Thanks for reading. Keep in touch. Drop me a note some time. As always, love hearing from you all.